Deciduous Azaleas

are subgenus Rhododendron Pentanthera, Tend to have more character than Hybrids. Stronger features like scent, foliage and autumn colour.
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Azalea 'Ade Brunieres'
From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Adriaan Koster'
Deciduous; large trusses of deep pure yellow flowers borne before the leaves.Flower Colour: Deep pur..
Azalea 'Advance (Occ)'
Deciduous; deep pink, yellowish blotch.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height..
Azalea 'Aida'
Deciduous; fragrant double flowers of deep peach-pink with a deeper flush, opening in late spring to..
Azalea 'Alba odorata'
WhiteFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesP..
Azalea 'Alice de Stuers'
Deciduous. Strong yellowish pink, blotch deep orange.Flower Colour: Strong yellowish-pink, deep oran..
Azalea 'Alice Waterer'
Flower Colour: White, honey-suckle-likeFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 met..
Azalea 'Altaclarensis'
Yellow with orange blotch. Grows upright and tall. Possibly a Viscosepalum hybridFlower Colour: Yell..
Azalea 'Amber Rain (Ghent)'
Flower Colour: Light orange yellowFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres /..
Azalea 'Amber Rain (Knap Hill)'
Flower Colour: Yellow, orange blotchFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres..
Azalea 'Anna Louise'
Deciduous. RedFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet ..
Azalea 'Annabella'
Deciduous. Orange and yellow in bud, golden-yellow, overlaid and flushed orange rose trumpet; very a..
Azalea 'Anneke'
Deciduous, yellow with soft orange throat to trumpet shaped flower.Flower Colour: Yellow with soft o..
Azalea 'Anthony Koster'
Brilliant yellow, orange blotchFlower Colour: Brilliant yellow, orange blotchFlowering Time: May Sce..
Azalea 'Antilope'
Deciduous, bears trusses of 4-12 narrowly tubular to funnel shaped flowers. Moderate pink, darker me..
Azalea 'Apelles'
Deciduous, roseFlower Colour: RoseFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres /..
Azalea 'Apple Blossom (Mollis)'
Deciduous azalea with pale pink flowers, slightly scented, and leaves turn to bright reds and yellow..
Azalea 'Apricot Surprise'
Pastel yellow, orange & apricot-hued unruffled funnels are set against bright green leavesFlower Col..
Azalea 'Apricot Surprise'
Robust deciduous shrub with sumptuous yellow apricot orange flowers, with orange markings, carried i..
Azalea 'April Showers'
Deciduous shrub with pale yellow flowers, with a golden centre and slight dorsal blotch. Compact gro..
Azalea 'Arabesque'
Flower Colour: Pink with frillFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet..
Azalea 'Arctic Flush'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Arctic Regent'
Deciduous. White tinted pink, yellow blotch.Flower Colour: White tinted pink, yellow blotchFlowering..
Azalea 'Ariel'
Deciduous. White, yellow eye.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 m..
Azalea 'Arima'
Spicy fragrance, slightly rosy white with red, basal central veins and a large, strong yellow-orange..
Azalea 'Arneson Gem'
Orange yellow flowers on a compact plant with good foliage.Flower Colour: Orange yellowFlowering Tim..
Azalea 'Arpege'
Deciduous, bears trusses of 4-12 narrowly tubular to funnel shaped flowers. Yellow tube tinged yello..
Azalea 'Arromanches'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Astronaut'
If you know where we could collect material of this plant we would happily propagate it for you.Flow..
Azalea 'Aurora'
Deciduous. Salmon, orange flare. Exbury 47Flower Colour: Salmon with orange flareFlowering Time: May..
Azalea 'Aurore de Royghem'
Deciduous. Pale rose-pink, yellow lobe and leaves turn bright colours in autumn.Flower Colour: Pale ..
Azalea 'Avon'
Light yellow, darker spots,wavy. One of the River series, bred RHS WisleyFlower Colour: Light yellow..
Azalea 'Babeuff'
If you know where we could collect material of this plant we would happily propagate it for you. Sal..
Azalea 'Bacchus'
Rose heavily suffused brown purple, LateFlower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Heigh..
Azalea 'Ballerina'
Large, white-edged flowers with an orange flush, frilled, flesh-pink in bud.Flower Colour: White edg..
Azalea 'Balzac'
Fragrant nasturtium red flowers with an orange flash.. The petals are pointed and widely spaced, giv..
Azalea 'Banquet'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Barbecue'
Salmon, salmon blotch (Solent strain)Flower Colour: Salmon, salmon blotchFlowering Time: May Scented..
Azalea 'Barselick'
Orange-red flowersFlower Colour: Orange-redFlowering Time: May-June Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Bartholo Lazzari'
Deep yellow, double.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0..
Azalea 'Basilik'
White flushed pink, yellow flare on upper petal.Flower Colour: White flushed pink, yellow flare on u..
Azalea 'Beaulieu Manor'
Vivid red, flushed stong orange in the center.Flower Colour: Vivid red, flushed stong orange in the ..
Azalea 'Beaulieu'
Salmon Pink, deep orange flash.Flower Colour: Salmon Pink, deep orange flashFlowering Time: Scented..
Azalea 'Beaute Celeste'
Bright pink syn. Cardinal (Ghent)Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0...
Azalea 'Bijou de Gentbrugge'
Rose, double.Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0..
Azalea 'Bijou des Amateurs'
From Nat.Coll., Sheffield Park, 2003Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : ..
Azalea 'Bloomsbury'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Bonne Bouche'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Bouquet de flore'
Fragrant, long tubed, like honysuckle. Vivid red flowers blotched with yellow in late spring. Intro ..
Azalea 'Branklyn'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 inchesParent..
Azalea 'Brazil'
Flowers of bright tangerine red with frilled edges, scented. Relatively small blooms, but profuse.Fl..
Azalea 'Bridesmaid'
White with a yellow blotch, scented. New leaves are hairy and bronze tinted. May.Flower Colour: Whit..
Azalea 'Bright Forecast'
Salmon pink flushed orange, deep orange blotch.Flower Colour: Salmon pink, flushed orangeFlowering T..
Azalea 'Bronze Fire'
OrangeFlower Colour: OrangeFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 1.00 metres / 3 feet..
Azalea 'Bulls Run'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Butter'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Buttercup'
YellowFlower Colour: YellowFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 feet 0 ..
Azalea 'Buzzard'
Fragrant yellow tinged pink.Flower Colour: YellowFlowering Time: May Scented: Yes Ultimate Height ..
Azalea 'Byron'
White double flowers with pink tinge.Flower Colour: White double flowers with pink tinge.Flowering T..
Azalea 'Calder'
Deep pink, fading to white. One of the River series, bred RHS WisleyFlower Colour: Deep pink, fading..
Azalea 'Calico (Occidentale)'
Pink, yellow and whiteFlower Colour: Pink, yellow and whiteFlowering Time: June Scented: No Ultima..
Azalea 'Calico'
Vivid yellowFlower Colour: vivid yellowFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 met..
Azalea 'Cam'
Mauve-pink with darker, wavy margins. Yellow blotch.Flower Colour: Mauve-pinkFlowering Time: May Sce..
Azalea 'Canaris'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Cannon's Double'
Pale yellowish flowers, lobes pink, double.Flower Colour: Pale yellow, pink lobes, doubleFlowering T..
Azalea 'Carat'
In late spring, bear trusses of 4-12 narrowly tubular to funnel shaped, reddish orange flowers, with..
Azalea 'Cardinal (Ghent)'
Bright PinkFlower Colour: Bright PinkFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres /..
Azalea 'Casablanca'
WhiteFlower Colour: WhiteFlowering Time: April-May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 1.00 metres / 3 ..
Azalea 'Cassley'
Scented pinkFlower Colour: Scented pinkFlowering Time: May Scented: Yes Ultimate Height : 1.50 me..
Azalea 'Cecile'
Vigorous, deciduous shrub with medium size leaves. Dark salmon pink buds open to dense, rounded trus..
Azalea 'Centennial'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 1.50 metres / 4 feet 11 inchesPa..
Azalea 'Cezanne'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Chaffinch'
Deep pinkFlower Colour: Deep pinkFlowering Time: May-June Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metr..
Azalea 'Chalice'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Chanel'
Light yellow, with pink lines inside, dark yellow blotch . Fragrant.Flower Colour: Light yellowFlowe..
Azalea 'Chariots of Fire'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Charlemagne'
White, suffused yellow and rose, yellow blotch.Flower Colour: White, suffused yellow and rose, yello..
Azalea 'Charlotte Megan'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Chelsea Manor'
ApricotFlower Colour: ApricotFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres / 0 fe..
Azalea 'Chelsea Reach'
Creamy white, lilac flush, doubleFlower Colour: Creamy white, lilac flush, doubleFlowering Time: Sc..
Azalea 'Chenille'
Rich cherry pink, double, scentedFlower Colour: Rich cherry pink, double, scentedFlowering Time: Jun..
Azalea 'Cherwell'
Flower Colour: Primrose-yellow, darker spotsFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.0..
Azalea 'Chetco'
Huge flowers of clear deep yellow are accentuated with a vivid orange blotch.Flower Colour: Huge cle..
Azalea 'Chicago'
Bright FlameFlower Colour: Bright FlameFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metres..
Azalea 'Chieftain'
Apricot suffused brown-orange, late.Flower Colour: Apricot suffused brown-orangeFlowering Time: Sce..
Azalea 'Chocolate Ice'
WhiteFlower Colour: WhiteFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6..
Azalea 'Choptank River'
Pale pink to white, scented flowers on a compact deciduous shrub with glaucous bluish leaves, giving..
Azalea 'Chorister'
Pale cream, double, scented, bronzy foliageFlower Colour: Pale cream, double, scented, bronzy foliag..
Azalea 'Christopher Wren'
Flowers orange-yellow, flushed flame, with dark orange spotting, fringed trumpet-shaped .Flower Colo..
Azalea 'Chromatella'
Pink buds open to pale yellow, double flowers.Flower Colour: Pale yellowFlowering Time: May Scented:..
Azalea 'Citroen'
Golden YellowFlower Colour: Golden YellowFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00 metr..
Azalea 'City of Southampton'
Flower Colour: Flowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 2.00 metres / 6 feet 6 inchesPar..
Azalea 'Clyde'
White, pink tint, orange blotch, crinkled. One of the River series, bred RHS WisleyFlower Colour: Wh..
Azalea 'Coccinea Speciosa'
Bushy, decidous Ghent azalea with small dark green leaves, turning yellow or orange in autumn. Bears..
Azalea 'Cockade'
Reddish orange, compact habit.Flower Colour: Reddish orangeFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate H..
Azalea 'Cockatoo'
Flame apricot, largeFlower Colour: Flame apricotFlowering Time: Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0...
Azalea 'Colin Kenrick'
Light Pink and scented, double.Flower Colour: Light pink, scentedFlowering Time: May Scented: Yes ..
Azalea 'Comte de Flandre'
Vivid red, blotched orangeFlower Colour: Vivid red, blotched orangeFlowering Time: Scented: No Ul..
Azalea 'Comte de Gomer'
Rose-pink with orange flareFlower Colour: Rose-pink with orange flareFlowering Time: Scented: No ..
Azalea 'Copernicus'
Reddish orangeFlower Colour: Reddish orangeFlowering Time: May Scented: No Ultimate Height : 0.00..